Saturday, September 22, 2012

Flat Stanley - AKA Dude

The summer of 2012 made 20 years since I should have graduated from High School. I say should have because I didn't graduate or walk with my class in 1992, but I did get my GED in 1991. Many of the people that I went to school with were more than happy to have me at the reunion. So I packed up my car, dragged my son along with me and made us a flat Stanley to accompany us on our 2500 mile trek.

Darin was not impressed with
1. The amount of time we would be spending in the car.
2. Flat Stanley - and that we started calling him Dude before we got out of town.
3. The amount of time we would be spending in the car.

So we were off - 6AM!
Day one - Aberdeen, SD to Denver Co
Somewhere in SD

Dude wanted to drive

Somewhere in Nebraska

Scenic Overlook - AKA Bathroom break

Dude fell in the bag trying to get a french fry

Made it to Denver - Dude picked his bed
(Darin was not happy that they were sharing beds)

Casa Bonita - Denver, CO

Hanging out behind the waterfall at Casa Bonita

A horseback ride

Day two: Denver, CO to Bloomfield, NM
Leaving Denver

Somewhere in Colorado

Havilland Lake, CO

We stopped at a DQ in Durango - they must have seen Dude in the car 
because they gave Darin a Dude sized drink

Pinkerton Hot Springs

One of me - I think Dude or Darin had the camera

Dude hanging out with the guys - a couple of my old classmates!

Dude - getting an education!

Day three - Bloomfield, NM - Dude stayed behind - I think he had too much fun Friday night and decided not to go to the reunion on Saturday!

We changed 'B' hill to a 92 -Class of 92 ROCKS! (get the pun - haha)

Darin found out that NM is hot is in the summer, when we visited the Salmon Ruins in the middle of the day!

                                                         My old High school - redid

Day four - Bloomfield, NM to Amarillo, TX - Darin hates riding in the car and he now hates Dude too!

Leaving Bloomfield

We decided to take a break and took a detour to Fort Sumner, NM.
I used to get to stop here with my dad every year and thought Darin should too!
We stopped at The Billy The Kid Museum - Dude thought it was pretty cool!

He photo bombed me here - I thought about leaving him
But he looked so sad behind bars!

We finally made it to Amarillo to spend some time with my daughter and my dad!

Day Five - Canyon and Amarillo, TX
Palo Duro Canyon, TX

my beautiful daughter and Dude

Dude found out cactuses are not friendly

 Lisa and Darin

Need Paint

Cadillac Ranch - Route 66, Amarillo, TX

Giant legs in a field!

Dude's 1st trip to Sonic - we don't have one in SD!

Saying bye!

Day six - Amarillo, TX to Hesston, KS
Welcome to KS

Stuck at road construction!

Day Eight - Hesston, KS
Last day before heading home - Dude and Darin with Uncle Elijah and Uncle Jarrod