Sunday, December 29, 2013

Another year...has come and gone...

2013 has had its ups and downs...

January -
I had a birthday...unfortunately I'm having another one in a couple of days...its a doozy...I will be 20 (x2)!

April - 
Darin and I went to  Mitchell, SD for the SD Camera Club Round up. We loved it..and the best part - Darin got to go to his first rock concert! Hairball! They are totally awesome.

Darin got to meet one of three lead singers! Rockstar Bob


You can see more pictures from that day here!

May thru July -
Darin played baseball all summer...

August - 
We took a trip to the cities...we stayed at the Water Park of America, spent a day at Valley Fair (its like six flags), a day at a Twins baseball game and some time at the Mall of America.
Darin body surfing.

Running from dinosaurs!

I told him "See the ball...Be the ball..."

They caught a practice ball

You can see more pictures here!

When we got home Lisapalooza started. Lisa came and spent two weeks with us and I loved it. I'm pretty sure we are too boring for her though...but we did treat her to the Brown County Fair... Best county fair I've ever been to. I was sad for Lisa to go...but apparently at some point work expects you to come back and they wanted her back in Texas.

Waiting for one of the 3 nights of concerts to start.

September - 
I took Darin to his 2nd rock concert. it was a 4 for 1...
Vital Signz, Core, Great White & Quiet Riot
Darin with his guitar picks!

You can see the album here!

October - 
We look forward to winter for one reason - Hockey. When we moved here we were invited to a Wings hockey game and fell in love with it. It is the only thing that makes these frigid temperatures worth dealing with.

A picture of myself, Daniel Billet and Darin with a jersey that was auctioned off to benefit Safe Harbor.

Halloween brought us a rockstar.

We decided to let Darin try hockey one Saturday morning when they offered a free clinic. The boy had never been on ice skates before. When we left that morning he had already decided he wanted to play.
Hockey is now consuming my life! There are days when we feel like we live at the hockey rink. Three nights a week and Saturday much for sleeping in and that is just are just getting started! I love hockey and Darin has finally found a sport he really likes...I had no idea it was going to be so consuming...or cold. I really think they should add better heating systems to the rinks - I can hook them up - seriously (I think it's why I'm spoiled - I work for a heating and cooling company)!

November - 
Thanksgiving found us in Rapid City to see Robby's dad, sister and her family. It was a really great visit.
We went site seeing one day...
They were closed - That sucked.

I finally got to see the 4 dudes on a rock.

It's a goat..or a sheep...or something!

On the way home we met up with some people that were trying to rehome some dachshund puppies. Its been over a year and I decided I was ready for another pet..I wish I had remembered how hard potty training a puppy was.
Meet - Ace, Ace Frehley
AKA: The Flying Ace, Acer, Acehole (only when I'm irritated with him lol)
Peanut and Piglet - He has no idea what his name is!

December - 
With Darin's hockey schedule we opted to stay in South Dakota for Christmas. Its the first time since we moved up here. We are planning a trip this summer to go see everyone.

So that brings you to today...I received my much anticipated passport today... So I can skip the country...its what a 20 (x2) year old does right?

This will work!

Yep definitely!
Dominican Republic 2014