Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I smelled you today. Is that weird? It seemed weird at the time... even now its weird to think about, but its all I have been able to think about since it happened. It was so amazing - so many feelings went through me at once, overwhelmed, disturbed, shocked, surprised, happy, sad and all I could think about was for you to never leave again. I know you were there. It made me stop for a minute and catch my breath. Your perfume is something I will never forget - it reminds me of you, I usually am in a public place when I smell it and can find the woman wearing it, but to be hit with the smell so strong and no one else to be around threw me off. I kept sniffing trying to find you again, but you were only here for a fleeting moment, almost a reminder, but I don't need a reminder to think of you, you are never far from my thoughts.

I felt crazy thinking it was you, I looked around just to make sure no one else was around that I could have been smelling their perfume, but I was in an empty parking lot where only men work. There was no one else there. I sat in my car for a few minutes crying and wished I could have stayed there forever if it meant keeping you with me. I will never quite understand how you were picked. I know it is a great honor to be an Angel and to have the ability to watch over all of your babies at once, but I was not ready to let you go.

I've seen you in the store too, and I get so excited to run up to you and hug you and tell you everything I've had to hold in. Only to get to you and be so sadly disappointed when someone else turns around and wonders who the weirdo is standing there. 

I have so desperately wanted you to visit me in the last 6 years. I thought maybe you had forgotten me, but today proved to me you are still here with me. 

I hope you will come and see me again - please don't wait six more years. I don't think I can take it if you do! You gave a small glimpse of how it feels and I want it again! I smelled you today and I miss it already!
I love you and I miss you!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Flat Stanley - AKA Dude

The summer of 2012 made 20 years since I should have graduated from High School. I say should have because I didn't graduate or walk with my class in 1992, but I did get my GED in 1991. Many of the people that I went to school with were more than happy to have me at the reunion. So I packed up my car, dragged my son along with me and made us a flat Stanley to accompany us on our 2500 mile trek.

Darin was not impressed with
1. The amount of time we would be spending in the car.
2. Flat Stanley - and that we started calling him Dude before we got out of town.
3. The amount of time we would be spending in the car.

So we were off - 6AM!
Day one - Aberdeen, SD to Denver Co
Somewhere in SD

Dude wanted to drive

Somewhere in Nebraska

Scenic Overlook - AKA Bathroom break

Dude fell in the bag trying to get a french fry

Made it to Denver - Dude picked his bed
(Darin was not happy that they were sharing beds)

Casa Bonita - Denver, CO

Hanging out behind the waterfall at Casa Bonita

A horseback ride

Day two: Denver, CO to Bloomfield, NM
Leaving Denver

Somewhere in Colorado

Havilland Lake, CO

We stopped at a DQ in Durango - they must have seen Dude in the car 
because they gave Darin a Dude sized drink

Pinkerton Hot Springs

One of me - I think Dude or Darin had the camera

Dude hanging out with the guys - a couple of my old classmates!

Dude - getting an education!

Day three - Bloomfield, NM - Dude stayed behind - I think he had too much fun Friday night and decided not to go to the reunion on Saturday!

We changed 'B' hill to a 92 -Class of 92 ROCKS! (get the pun - haha)

Darin found out that NM is hot is in the summer, when we visited the Salmon Ruins in the middle of the day!

                                                         My old High school - redid

Day four - Bloomfield, NM to Amarillo, TX - Darin hates riding in the car and he now hates Dude too!

Leaving Bloomfield

We decided to take a break and took a detour to Fort Sumner, NM.
I used to get to stop here with my dad every year and thought Darin should too!
We stopped at The Billy The Kid Museum - Dude thought it was pretty cool!

He photo bombed me here - I thought about leaving him
But he looked so sad behind bars!

We finally made it to Amarillo to spend some time with my daughter and my dad!

Day Five - Canyon and Amarillo, TX
Palo Duro Canyon, TX

my beautiful daughter and Dude

Dude found out cactuses are not friendly

 Lisa and Darin

Need Paint

Cadillac Ranch - Route 66, Amarillo, TX

Giant legs in a field!

Dude's 1st trip to Sonic - we don't have one in SD!

Saying bye!

Day six - Amarillo, TX to Hesston, KS
Welcome to KS

Stuck at road construction!

Day Eight - Hesston, KS
Last day before heading home - Dude and Darin with Uncle Elijah and Uncle Jarrod