Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Obesity is an issue?

OK, I know obesity is a problem. Its a huge issue. People all over are becoming more overweight and lazier everyday. I know I am in no way in the best shape of my fact I'm not sure I have ever been in the best shape of my life. But that's beside the point...

So I went to my son's 6th grade parent/teacher conferences, where I met with all 9 teachers, I'm proud to say he is doing really well in school.

Well all except for PE - one of his favorite classes, and it wasn't a bad behavior or not dressing up report.

Let me start over. I met with his PE teacher who told me my son was doing great in his class, but they have started doing this cardiovascular test called PACER and my son failed miserably.
(If you are not familiar with the PACER test - basically my understanding is they run laps as many times as they can.)

So he proceeds to tell me that Darin was supposed to run a minimum of 32 - he ran 23, and that since he was unable to run the minimum of 32 laps he is on the verge of being obese and that I should really consider getting him in some activities and not just sitting around watching TV.

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped -in fact I know it did because I had a bruise on my chin from it hitting the floor & he said, "I'm guessing by the look on your face, this is a surprise."

"Well yea, ya think...are you sure we are talking about the same person? I mean, you've seen my kid right? 5'3", 100 pounds, looks like a skinny stick."

He looks at me straight faced and says, "yes, but this test says he is overweight and on the verge of being obese"

I'm trying to hold back the hysterical laughter and ask "but you've looked at him right? and have you actually talked to him? Because he plays hockey and it just got started the first part of October, it is all he thinks about, he spends 2-3 nights a week on the ice and this is just pre-season. How much more time do you want him not sitting on the couch? Because this doesn't include his time to and from school and his bike rides to friends houses, roller blading on the weekends and street hockey"

He says, "well i'm just saying, according to these test results he really needs to be more active, obesity is a huge problem with our youth"

I'm still stunned - I mean, I know obesity is an issue, but with school lunches being, well, lacking... and me knowing how much and what he eats at home and how active he is... I think they should be worrying about some other kids that have a visible problem, not that I don't appreciate the concern... but have you seen my son?

So I smile and say "ok I will let him know that he isn't active enough and that starting tonight he is now enrolled in the program for 'the morbidly not obese, but the test says I am, boot camp.'
Are you planning to retest, I would be really interested in those results"

I asked Darin what he remembered about the PACER test and why he was only able to run 23 laps, come to find out, that was right after the weekend he twisted his ankle at the skating rink. Hmmm maybe they should talk to the kids, ask some questions before jumping to conclusions based on a poor test result. Obviously, if you are looking at a child who is not obese don't you think that would throw up a red flag and make you question what's up?

Maybe he just didn't feel like running... (said in my best Forest Gump voice)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mary, Mary quite contrary...

My first garden - I still don't have high hopes - its only been a week and a couple of days. I don't keep things alive very well. But I can't help but be a little excited!

Day 1 - That's a strawberry plant

Day 9 - Tomato Plants (I cheated and planted already started plants)

 Cucumbers - I think!


There should be okra in here somewhere - but I can't tell if its okra or weeds

Onions - I'm positive

One of these is a weed - I'm certain..and the other one may or may not be a radish!

Strawberries - this plant in the front is the same plant from day 1!!

And a surprise, uninvited guest!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I discovered something yesterday that I've known all my life!

While doing some research for work yesterday - I discovered that there is a day dedicated solely to 'The Middle Child" - It is August 12 and I thought to myself - 'hmmm, Why is this such a big deal?"

And then I remembered the story I have been told since I was 7 years old and my parents brought my baby sister home and the first words I said when I met her were "Guess I'm just the middle kid now".

It holds true to what I know - There are hundreds of pictures of my older sister and thousands of my little sister - and a handful of me. There are quite a few that have me in them, but only because one of my other sisters was in it as well.

But you know - I never let being the middle child hold me back! While my older sister led the charge and got caught for all the things she did - I quietly sat back, took notes, and learned - "Don't get caught and all will be good"
I was the negotiator - My sister wanted to go out (now mind you there are 2 years, 6 months, 2 days, and approximately 12 hours between us - and I should not have been hanging out with her where she liked to go), but as the negotiator, it went like this:
Me: "Mom,  D wants to know if she can go out cruising?"
Mom: "Dana, Why didn't she ask herself?"
Me: "Well, she said if I asked - I could go too"
You could see the bulb go on - because mom knew that while I was the negotiator - I also could not tell lies very well - so she knew that if she let us go out cruising - that she would find out what all we actually did, it was a win-win for her.
So we would go - and we would get home late and make up this wonderful story as to why we were late and we would practice it and rehearse it till I was blue in the face and the next morning when mom would ask me why we were late and I would tell her this perfectly rehearsed story she would look at me and say "Now Dana, Why were you guys really late?" and I would burst into tears and tell her the real story, which usually wound up getting my sister grounded and me in the doghouse - really!
Because we had one of these and I knew when I had made her mad.

Being the middle kid - wasn't so bad though - when I made the older sister mad - I knew I could turn to my little sister who thought I was awesome - maybe not - but it's nice to dream! Right?

I did eventually get careless and get caught - I finally did something first before my older sister - Three things actually - Had kids, got married and divorced, and married again - all first, in fact, all before she got married once! It's not something I recommend racing for though.

As the middle child, I wore many hats - I was the negotiator, the antagonizer (who would start something and walk away), and eventually the peacekeeper. How could I keep the peace if I didn't antagonize? Usually, arguments were between my older sister and me. As the oldest, she had it figured out how to get people to do what she wanted and at some point, I caught on to this game and started resisting. She didn't like that and would then threaten to take something away - like going out with her. (Although I knew she couldn't go without me - I didn't want to risk it) so we would argue and I would give in because after all, I don't do arguments well.

My mom never admitted to it - but I know deep down that I was her favorite - How could I not be! I was the good kid! (*Insert evil laugh here) Anyone that knows me can tell you many stories otherwise!

This is very much me! Although I am not insecure about much (other than the way I look sometimes)

I'm throwing this one on here because I see all three of my kids in it!

So middle kids Unite!! - On August 12th Celebrate with me!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4th, 2014

Things I never anticipated 20 years ago for the 1st anniversary of my 20th birthday.

1) I never planned on moving further North.

2) I thought I was never getting remarried...

3) ...or having more kids!

4) Living so far away from both of my older kids. They are both so much more independent than I was at 20. I could not imagine not having my mom just across town.

5) Not having my mom around. Today marks the 7th anniversary of the stroke that ultimately took her life while fighting cancer.

6) Having a child that plays, eats and sleeps hockey... Who would have ever guessed that?

7) Having a job I love! At 20 I was delivering pizza and trying to support two I am an office assistant/marketing coordinator for the best HVAC company in Aberdeen.

8) Spending my 2nd 20th birthday in a freezing cold hockey arena...

9) ...and then going back to Aberdeen to spend more time in a hockey arena to watch the best NAHL hockey team play and enjoying time with friends!

10) But most of all I did not anticipate so many damn albino hairs on my head! Seriously what cruel punishment!