Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2,931 Days

This Woman

This woman taught me almost everything I know.

She taught me how to fight for myself and what I believe in. 
Be it boxing gloves in the front yard against my older sister 
or standing in front of a room full of strangers 
talking about something that is important to me 
(like teen pregnancy).

This woman taught me to learn new things.

She taught me to always want to know more. 
To know more about everything. If it is there...learn it. 
Because of this woman - I learned more than one musical instrument, 
Clarinet, keyboard, & guitar...I am not fluent in any, 
but she helped me explore those options. 

This woman taught me to read.

She taught me to enjoy reading, where you can escape to another place 
and meet new people without leaving the comfort of your own home

This woman taught me to have fun.

She taught me life is short. To 'dance like no one is watching' and if they 
are watching hope they enjoy what they see and join in. 

This woman taught me the importance of pets.

She taught me to always love my pets - because they will always be there for me.

This woman taught me to sew.

She could look at something crafty and make it happen. 
I can now sew a straight line. She taught me to do needlepoint. 
She taught me to read a pattern - not well, but if needed, I can!

This woman taught me that everyone is beautiful in their own way.

She taught me to look my best because you never know who you might meet or where. 
But even if you have a 'down' day, wear a smile. Everyone needs a smile!

This woman taught me the art of story telling.

She taught me that you have to hook the listener/reader so that when you deliver the 
final blow they want more and that the best ending to any story is 
"...and he was pulling my leg - just like I'm pulling yours!"

This woman taught me love.

She taught the importance of family and friends and that you need to have them in your life. 
She taught me to give and receive love and to believe in people 
because you never know what they may be going through themselves.

This woman taught me almost everything I know.
This woman let me call her mom!

It has been 2,931 days since I talked to mom. 
I miss hearing her voice, 
I miss her laugh and her smile. 
I miss everything about her. 
Today is the 8th January 14th since she died. 
I cannot believe it has been that long and yet it feels 
like it was yesterday that a part of  me died with her.

She wouldn't want me to dwell - so instead I wanted to share some of her. 
I hope you enjoyed it.

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