Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What happened to "If you don't have anything nice to say...Don't say anything at all"?

I grew up hearing this...my mom preached it to us. There were stretches where my older sister wouldn't talk for weeks and when we would ask why she would say "I didn't have anything nice to say"

Those days are gone... I think they disappear when you hit 18 and you don't have to listen to your mom anymore. I think everyone needs to step back and remember those words.

There are a few key topics I keep hearing about in the media - everyone's panties are in a twist - and if yours aren't, then you know someone who's are. We all know someone who feels strongly about something and they really like to push it on everyone else.

Two of those topics are:
Gay Marriage
The Confederate Flag

Gay Marriage

If they are not forcing you to watch or be in the bedroom with them, Why should this matter? I know what the bible says - but if you cannot argue your point without throwing what the bible says in, then I don't want to hear it. I want to know what YOU see wrong with it...without mention of the bible or scripture. I know how God felt.

Two men or two women getting married is not going to invalidate your vows or marriage - if it does - then maybe you need to be looking at your marriage instead of telling someone else they can't do it.

Marriage IMO - is not a RIGHT - it is an honor and a privilege. That is something no one should be able to take away from someone else that is willing to commit themselves to another. It is an honor to be able to marry the person you love.

I want everyone to have the same opportunities as any straight couple. Shared healthcare, shared taxes - you know all those things that you need that little piece of paper to do. Who are you to say they shouldn't?

Bible aside - what if someone told you - You cannot marry someone with the same eye color as you (or you could only marry someone with the same eye color). You can't change your eye color because you were born with those genes - you have no control over it, right? Then how is it fair to keep people who were born gay to not be married? You were born straight - I was born straight - I knew from the start I liked boys (and the number of times I got caught playing chase/kiss around the trees in elementary school was a sure sign). I knew - I liked boys and as I grew older - I liked MEN.
Being gay is not a disease - it is not transferred by touch or breathing the same air, and not every gay man is automatically attracted to every other man. Just like every man is not attracted to every woman. Everyone has a personal preference!

The Confederate Flag

I am from the South - Born in Texas, raised in Texas and New Mexico. Maybe they teach things different in the South - I grew up watching Gone With The Wind and wishing I was more like Scarlett O'Hara! I grew watching The Dukes of Hazard and thinking "Damn, Bo Duke is fine!" I never associated the flag on their car with slavery or my 'of color' friends - but maybe that's because I'm white. What's that called "White Privilege" or some BS term.

I don't consider myself racist  - I'm sure I've said racist things - or things that could be considered racist, after all I'm not allowed to be proud and white. I'm not even allowed to be white - I get to be Caucasian or color challenged.

I don't believe the Confederate flag is the problem - If you can allow a piece of material to have so much hold over your life, maybe you need therapy. None of us that are alive today were slaves, none of us were slave owners. You are not being oppressed because of something that happened to your ancestors - just like I am not some rich plantation owner in the South like my ancestors.
The fact that people today feel that they have any right to be offended by a flag that did nothing to them is sickening. It's a piece of material.

Does the flag represent heritage? I don't see how...I think it represents sticking it to the man - being rebellious - Look at Bo and Luke Duke - they were rebels - but never once in any of the episodes do I remember them being racist. They were southern boys who were rebellious and sticking up for what they believed in . That is how I view the Confederate flag.

Wrong - quite possibly - I see things everyday that I don't like - I don't like sleeveless shirts on overweight men, I don't like seeing ass crack on anyone, or wanna be thugs with their underwear hanging out - do I throw a hissy fit and demand for those people to be sent packing? No I either voice my opinion and walk away or I walk away.

Everyone is so sensitive today - Maybe its all the drugs that everyone is on anymore. We've made a nation of sissy's - Everyone is offended, no one is happy - no one wants to be accountable for their own actions - they all want to place blame somewhere else - "oh my life sucks because my ancestors were slaves... "
Did anyone ever think that maybe 'Your life is what you make it' - If you are allowing your life to suck - you have no one to blame but yourself.

Why don't we all pick a soapbox that actually matters - maybe feeding the hungry in our country - or making sure that the kids in the system or that are homeless actually have a real home to go to everyday.

Come on people - One Nation...

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